Thursday, May 5, 2011

100 word summary of my project

My project explores how dancers within my ballet company experience and cope with stress. The study looks in detail at causes and effects of stress in 8 dancers and coping mechanisms used. Findings drawn from interviews revealed dancers encountered stress due to several causes. Moderate levels of stress sometimes helped although it was mostly interpreted as debilitative. Varied physiological effects resulted from dancers’ psychological stress. A lack of education on dance related stress was identified. Self taught coping mechanisms were described although some felt further education would be beneficial. Strong similarities in coping mechanisms discussed suggested their effectiveness. Improving awareness of these methods was recommended.


  1. Hi Laura,

    Your project is really interesting, stress is a factor of so many people lives, including mine. I am an actress but also take dance class, I find that leading up to a class is the most stressful with myself worring about remembing the moves and keeping up with the rest of the class. This is due to me not rehearsing the routines enough, I do this every week knowing its bring the stress!
    But within my acting career stress of learning lines tends to kick in once in a while too. Your project benefits people's practices which I really do admire. Just send me some de-stress tips.
    Hope your work is going ok


  2. Hi,

    Due to your comment I felt compelled to see what you have discovered. I remember Paula mentioning your project at the beginning of this project and how different it was to mine as an example of the diversity of what we can learn through the course. I find it very exciting that my research findings can provide a solution for yours even though they were not linked in the sense of what we aimed to discover.

    I feel like I have actually achieved something now and it was not just a wasted project! Your research seems extremely interesting and I hope you are proud of what you have discovered.

    Alys x
